Saturday, December 1, 2007

Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron : Lord Byron's Don Juan

Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron : Lord Byron's Don Juan: "Catastrophe, Cross-Cultural Issues, Death and Dying, Family Relationships, History of Medicine, Humor and Illness/Disability, Literary Theory, Love, Mother-Son Relationship, Rebellion, Religion, Sexuality, Society, Survival Summary The story itself commences after the vituperative dedication to Robert Southey and several stanzas mocking contemporary heroes, with Don Juan's birth in Seville to Donna Inez and Don José. The adventures begin with his affair with Donna Julia, his mother's best friend. Donna Julia's husband, Don Alfonso discovers the secret romance, and Don Juan is sent to Cadiz. A shipwreck along the way sees him stranded, the lone survivor; there he meets a pirate's daughter, Haidée. Expelled from this paradise by Haidée's father, the pirate Lambro, he is captured, and sold into slavery. Gulbayaz, one of the Sultan's harem, has him purchased and smuggled into her company dressed as a girl; after he spends the night in the bed of one of her courtesans, Gulbayaz threatens both with death. When next we see Don Juan, he has escaped. He joins in the Russian attack on Ismail, where he fights valiantly and rescues Leila, a Muslim child. They are taken to St Petersburg, where he impresses Catherine The Great and joins her entourage. Due to illness, he is sent to London, whe"

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